Sunday, January 06, 2008

Crunch Time.

Pinch me. It's 2008 already. Wait, school's started already. It really does feel weird going back to school, unusual; surreal almost. It's not that I'm complaining- it just feels queer at the end of the 2 months break we've been given; to return to the routine we were given a hiatus from in the first place.

Anyways. I'm sort of like bumming around waiting for the rain to stop (so I could get out and go play soccer) so decided I'd blog to kill a little time. Yes, very unlike me. But, I tweaked and played around with some itty bitty settings on my laptop and voila, I'm able to access Blogger now. (In case you're wondering, it has never permitted me to blog for some unknown reason.)

As my parents, sisters and some close friends can testify (or even complain or detest), I critic food like hell. I take pictures of them and stuff, very much like a typical food reviewer, save that reviews aren't done incognito. So here are some of the better eats I've had the chance to sample these past few weeks.

First up, is the Nasi Lemak sold at the coffe shop behind Maybank at SEA Park, Petaling Jaya. Take note that it only opens at around 7ish in the evening till late, so that even hungry clubbers and the like can grab a bite after a night out as it closes around 3 to 4ish in the morning.

How good can a Nasi Lemak get? For me, this has got to be one of the best tasting Nasi Lemak's I've tasted in a long while. The rice itself, is cooked damn well, laced with the right amount of coconut cream and given a further lift with knots of pandan leaves thrown in. It is served with a pece of fried chicken and 'mata kerbau' egg or sunny side up, (chicken and egg optional, of course), slices of cucumber, copious amounts of fried silver anchovies and groundnuts and of course, sambal at the side. For me, the fried chicken is awesome, no shit. It's that typical ones that you get ar mamak joints but imagine a mile better, extremely juicy, tender, crisp skin and straight outta fryer. Lovely! But, the sambal's a tad too watery though. But all in all, a definite must try. Sheng Li, Aaron and EmoJo love it. So most people I know.

Wait, the rain's stopped already. That's my queue to go. I'll leave the other food reviews for another day.


You are what you eat.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

One whole post on Nasi lemak? Haha. You are what you eat eh? *pokes kelvin's tummy* Very true =D