Loook at those kids!! haha. can you spot me; no prizes for guessing though. i'm in pink. anyways thats was taken during the melaka trip exactly a week ago. i shall blog abt that trip. it was crazy, to say the least. there were lotsa dumb ass things going on but no i'm not gonna list them down. a'famosa.
if you've never been there, keep it that way. it's so frigging run-down. im not trying to degrade the place but frankly, it stinks (literrally too). poor animals look so out of place and restless. the condos which we stayed in weren't actually that bad but they could do with a little more upkeeping and refurbishment. not to mention bird poo
everywhere in the drying/air-well area.
Boozing was rampant, albeit only on the first night; we got busted. haha. espesh kah ken whose face is ever so red; what more with a mere few sips of carlsberg he was flushingly red; absolutely like a huge tomato. poor you.
then i fell horribly sick the second day. no; it wasn't the alco. i think it was 'wind' in my tummy. but nonetheless it sucked man. drained all the energy and zest outta me. and pn. teh took care of me like a mother! no kidding. oh, she even labelled me hot! and macho. lol. haha.
and kai ming's taste of music rocks! i borrowed his ipod while in the condo while everybody else were running around, swimming, etc. and i was surprised to find his genre tastes are like that of mine of micahel and me. and there were loads of mimi songs. that's mariah carey for you.
we suck. why cant we just stay put? haha. iloveyou =)